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Q&A about Aijiren Vials and Closures

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1. Why is it important to use Aijiren’s sample vials on the autosampler?

Aijiren autosampler vials are fully compatible sample vials designed and tested by various brands of autosamplers in the industry. Aijiren designs these vials with the same attention and precision as its instrument, column, and component design. Many autosamplers use robotic arms to grab sample bottlenecks. Therefore, the correct height of the bottle neck and shoulder of the sample is very important to prevent the sample bottle from falling and sample loss. Aijiren’s 9mm autosampler bottle is suitable for most types of autosamplers. Aijiren’s precise specifications will not cause instrument downtime loss and potential loss of precious samples.

2. Is the matching of Aijiren’s bottle cap and inner tube with the sample bottle important?

In order to avoid leakage and sample loss due to evaporation, the inner cannula must be placed exactly in the sample bottle-and the entire device must be able to be completely sealed when capped. To prevent damage to the needle and ensure correct sample extraction when using an inner cannula, you should also consider the sampling depth of the autosampler needle.

The thread design on Aijiren’s screw-top vials can be precisely matched with Aijiren’s caps. In addition, Aijiren’s crimp top vials and caps have been tested by the autosampler to confirm that they are perfectly matched and securely sealed.

3. Do I need to pay attention to the compatibility between samples and vials?

For highly sensitive samples such as pesticides or semi-volatile substances and samples whose pH value changes suddenly, deactivated vials are the best choice because their surface has better hydrophobicity and inertness. For more stringent and demanding applications such as mass spectrometry, it is recommended to use deactivated vials to prevent sample interaction before analysis.
Polypropylene vials are the best choice for biological applications and applications involving samples with high metal content, such as ion chromatography, AA, or ICP-MS. Aijiren conducted a complete test and evaluation of a series of polypropylene materials before selecting the grades of materials used in the polypropylene vials. Our polypropylene sample bottles contain almost no leachable impurities, thus ensuring the integrity of the sample.

4. Can I trust the consistency between vials?

If the tolerances are not strictly controlled, the marked size and wall weight of the autosampler vial may be different. This will affect the sample volume in the vial, which is especially important for small samples. Our strict tolerance control runs through the entire manufacturing process, from the initial design to the final photoelectric scanning inspection process, to ensure the accuracy of each sample bottle and cap specification. Aijiren’s sample vials meet the industry’s most stringent tolerance requirements to ensure consistency from batch to batch and from vial to vial.

5. Why should I buy sample vials from Aijiren?

The integrity, cleanliness, and uniformity of the vials are critical to today’s demanding applications. This is why the Aijiren vials and caps are designed with advanced engineering expertise. All Aijiren certified sample bottles are manufactured in an ISO9001 clean environment, and the unique packaging ensures cleanness and safety during transportation. Aijiren chooses the correct septum for your application to protect the integrity of the sample. To prevent contamination and avoid damage to the needle and instrument, the correct septum selection is critical.

6. Does my application require repeated injections or sample storage from the same vial?

Resealability is an important factor to consider when choosing a septum. The PTFE/red rubber septum is not recommended for multiple injections or samples that need to be stored for later analysis. PTFE/silicone rubber/PTFE is always the best choice when it takes a long time between injections or when adding any type of standard sample.

7. How hard is it to pierce the septum?

Generally, silicone rubber septa are easier to puncture than red rubber or butyl rubber septa. For septa that are thicker and difficult to puncture, a small (23-gauge) needle may be required. Or a more powerful S-shaped needle. The pre-perforated septum is the best choice. It is the easiest to puncture and reduces the possibility of debris.

8. What temperature range does my application need?

At higher temperatures, the septum will degrade and cause contamination of your sample. The red rubber septum is only stable below 90 °C, so it is not suitable for high temperature applications. Generally, PTFE-lined silicone rubber septa are the best choice for various temperatures. Newer headspace applications require temperature conditions as high as 300 °C. Aijiren’s new high-performance septum is made of special patented materials to ensure minimal degradation under extreme temperatures.

9. How can I avoid common problems caused by septa?

Debris: Debris occurs when the needle diameter is too large for the septum or the septum material cannot withstand multiple injections. At this time, the septum material will fall off into the sample vial and contaminate the sample. Here is how to prevent debris: Choose a septum lined with PTFE to prevent the septum material from entering the sample, make sure the needle is not damaged, consider using a side hole needle instead of a tapered needle. Using a pre-perforated septum can almost completely eliminate debris

Create a vacuum: sometimes aspirating a sample from a sealed vial will cause a vacuum. A few simple steps can prevent this from happening: Use a pre-perforated septum to help balance the pressure on both sides of the cap.

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