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Check 1.5ml Autosampler Vial

Check 1.5ml Autosampler Vial

The normal volume of the 8mm Autosampler Vial is 1.5ml, but the maximum volume is 2ml. Aijiren recommends not to fill up the sample when injecting the 8mm Autosampler Vial. 1.5ml is enough. The screw neck has strict specifications and can be matched with Cap. It conforms to specifications and maintains a proper seal to ensure the smooth progress of the experiment.

The 8mm Autosampler Vial undergoes strict quality control during the production process. Aijiren will conduct 3-4 quality inspections from the start of production to the packaging and delivery to ensure that each via is of high quality and accuracy with small errors. The heat of the 8mm Autosampler Vial Sales are inseparable from Aijiren's strict quality control. The 8mm Autosampler Vial can be applied to Autosamplers of brands such as Shinmazu.
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