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Add Logo On The Vial

Add Logo On The Vial

The customized service provided by Aijiren brings convenience and convenience to customers. It is not only convenient for marking on Via, but also convenient for customers to start their own brand and logo. As a manufacturer, Aijiren can provide customers with different types of product choices because Aijiren hopes that customers can have more products to choose from, and the design and production of each product is centered on “bringing convenience to customers” Production concept.

Aijiren provides services to add printing to the 1.5ml hplc vial, such as printing logo, scale, writing area, etc. If these services are needed, customers need to communicate with the salesperson. If you need to print the logo, you need to send the electronic version of the drawing to Aijiren If you need a scale or a writing area, you can choose from Aijiren¡¯s templates.
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